Incident Manager
Tracsis Incident Manager is a web-based and mobilised application for the management of incidents through applications for staff and passengers. It also manages surveys, inspections and audits.
Benefits of using Incident Manager
- Centralise management of operating incidents within one system
- Front-line staff have access to the best possible information
- Improve context-aware communication between operators and passengers
- Gather information from staff at the front line
- Manage routine and ad-hoc inspections and audits, including action tracking
- Conduct pro-active passenger satisfaction surveys
Incident Manager has a web-based interface and also a range of tailored mobile applications for both staff and passengers, delivering context-aware messages to staff whilst reducing information overload and also allowing staff to provide relevant and structured information back to the control room.

Contact us to discuss your requirements
Get in touch with our team to talk through your project or for a demonstration of our capabilities